~The Certified Administrative Procedure Legal Specialist is all-rounder in document preparation~
It is said that we can prepare under the certification more than 10,000 types of documents such as applications for licenses to be submitted to governmental agency, contract documents required in business and daily life, and attestation documents including meeting minutes and accounting books.
However, it is impossible to handle all the types of documents by oneself and several specialty fields will be determined naturally.
My specialty fields are “Immigration services”, “License application” and “Back office operations”. I am always trying to collect updated information and to upgrade knowledge about the three fields.
I may refer you to a specialist, in a case where your inquiry is out of my specialty fields.
Moreover, I will attempt to offer one-stop-service for administrative procedures to meet your various needs by collaborating with neighbor professionals exclusively working in specific fields including Lawyer, Judicial Scrivener, Tax Accountant, Labor and Social Security Attorney and Patent Attorney.
We are living life which may last 100 years and lifestyle varies widely. We can encounter a wide range of events.
Rules are getting complex these days, I will be more than happy to help to ease your concerns.
Please feel free to contact me by e-mail.